Thursday, April 09, 2009

Spring Fun

Two posts in one day! Guess I'm making up for not posting in almost 2 weeks! Today was a gorgeous day it seemed such a waste to stay inside, Especially with our house in a state of disarray. So I took the kids to the park.
This slide was up higher than it looks and every time Natalie climbed the stairs to get up there it made me nervous. She had such a good time though and I lost count of how many times she slid down.

Those two pics above crack me up because she was almost doing a little dance before she slid down. She was just having so much fun. And speaking of so much fun..

She LOVED the swing. I almost hated to take her out of it!
The only downside was that about 5 minutes after we got there, about 50 kids came out of nowhere. The park is near a school and apparently they use this public one. The kids were probably 10-11ish and of course had no regard for a 2 year old trying to play. We waited them out though on the small slide and after about 30 minutes their recess was over.
Here's to a fun afternoon!!


Anonymous said...

That's my GRAND sweeties! Obie

Brianna said...

Those dancing pictures are too cute! We went to the park too yesterday! Kalen loved the swing too!

Cheryl Wray said...

These pictures are ADORABLE!!!