Edited to add: John had to work on the 4th; so that is his twin brother (uncle Alan) in the first two pics.
Our first trip to the pool:
Playing ball with Kelsey:
Relaxing at Aunt J's and Uncle R's:
According to the grandparent's scale, as of yesterday, Abigail weighs 9.5 lbs. That means she's gained a pound and a half in just over a week. Last night after church we had our first restaurant outing with both kiddos. It's somewhat of a tradition to eat at our favorite Mexican place every Sunday with our friend Jeff. One of the waitresses asked how old the baby was and when I told her 3 weeks, she said, "Wow, she big!" LOL
One thing's for sure. If big sis decides to pick on little sis down the road, she better be ready cause Abby can totally take her. ;)
GREAT photos! I especially love the one of Abigail laying on her daddy by the pool! So sweet!
Love the pictures, Leah. I love to see a baby lying on their dad's chest. That's my fav! Thanks for sharing.
Awww..that last picture is SO sweet!!!!!!!!!
LOL...I see now why you had to go back and edit. And if that scale is right...wowwee...she's a healthy one isn't she?!
Cool pic with the flag! I bet it feels good to take the new baby out and about!
Aw, I LOVE the one of her sleeping, is there anything so precious???
Looks like a nice weekend. Great pictures, love the one of Natalie kissing her baby sister!
Congrats!! Abigail is gorgeous and so alert. I can't believe how much she doesn't look like a newborn. I hope the sleep thing gets better. You'll look back in a couple of weeks even and not remember how bad it is now. And Natalie looks like she will be a tremendous help. Take advantage! Take care and use that TV to distract Natalie and get at least 15 minutes of sleep on the couch!
Awwwwww how cute are all your pictures!!!
Love your LO's in the post below.
I love that last black & white pic of Natalie kissing Abby. I can't beleive you are scrapbooking! I guess I have no excuse if you can find the time to do it!! However, I have now done 2 entries on my blog in a week! woo hoo!
Have you thought anymore about the convention in October? Registration has begun - haven't signed up yet b/c of the trip to Vegas. Think about it... :)
OOps, sorry about my last comment on this post! I hummed and haa'ed over whether or not it was your DH in that photo but just couldn't tell and figured it must be, just without glasses on. They look a lot a like!
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