My husband :
who has been getting up with Natalie at 5:30, so that I can get a few more hours sleep.
who got up at 3am to sit/rock with Abigail since she decided not to sleep last night and I was about to lose it.
who is currently doing laundry so I can sit and rest.
The grandparents, aunt and uncles:
who have done and will do any little (or big) thing to help out, from bringing us food, to helping out with Natalie, to bringing us postage stamps and Sonic ice. :)
My church family:
who has been bringing us food every other day so we don't have to worry about cooking for 2 weeks.
The past few nights have been kind of rough. I'm trying to keep things in perspective because I know it could be much worse. Abby is not a big crier which is a big plus but she is eating every 2 hours, even through the night, which is making it a little difficult for momma to get some sleep. I think she may somewhat have her days and nights mixed up because she just didn't want to sleep at all last night.
After a night like last I'm trying to focus on enjoying this time because I know it goes oh so fast. But I do have to say I'm looking forward to some sleep that lasts longer than a couple of hours.