2.I love to travel. Up until about 3 or 4 years ago I really hadn't been all that many places. But the job I took in 2003 allowed me to travel lots of places in the U.S. A few of my favorites are Washington D.C., Seattle, and Austin, Texas. One of the most beautiful was San Luis Obispo,
3. I've always lived in Alabama. As a matter of fact, my Alabama roots go back as far as my Great-Grandparents. Maybe even further than that, but I do know that at least 4 generations have lived here in North Alabama.
4. There are 8 preachers in my extended family. There may be more than that, but I can think of 8 just right off the top of my head. They are spread out across the south in TN, GA, FL, AL, and TX.
5. My favorite season is summer. I don't like cold weather at all, and I love wearing capri's and flip flops.
6. John and I dated for 3 months before he even kissed me. I was beginning to wonder if maybe we were just friends and when I asked him what we were, his response was.."homosapiens". He had no idea what I meant by that question and he WAS a Biology major. LOL
7.My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip. Or more specifically, 31 flavors Mint Chocolate Chip. So far I haven't found any other brand that's as good as theirs.
So there you have it.. my random facts. Now I'm supposed to tag 7 people, but rather than doing that, I'll just say, if you'd like to participate, post away!
love the Sevens idea. as far as prechers go... Nathaniel Jenkins my GREAT Great Grand Father was a preacher as was his son John A then his sons none were but his grand children Ancil, Dan, and Jerry all are and then Ancil's son Allan, Dan's son Jonathan, Jerrys sons Dale and Jeff that NINE but the official count is 14 preachers since Nathaniel. all of them were born in North alabama except for Nathaniel who was from Ill. His wife was from Madison County. A fact we learned today at our cousin party is that They Married In Ill and also in Madison County AL... we think due to the Civil war.. a yankee marriage was not recognized in the south. so your roots in North Alabama go wayyyy back. later, mom
What great answers. See, you did a good job coming up with "7 unknown facts about Leah!" lol
For the record, you've been tagged by me too. So go check out my blog and get to work...hee hee.
Enjoy your day!
DUH!!! It just dawned on me that I tagged you with the same list as Jessi. Sorry bout that...please strike my request from the record :-). Ok, not the entire request...there may be another fun thing for you to do on my blog..so check it out. Sorry! ;-)
Love learning new stuff about you!
You have me beat - I will not set foot on a roller coaster!
#6 is so funny!
Hope you are having a great day!
Loved your list!! I love the homosapiens answer! Funny!
I LOVE to travel too! I would do it all the time if I could!
I too am glad that you were able to travel with your job. Just think... if you hadn't, then I would not know where the Hoover Dam was located. :)
The first time Ian kissed me it was on the cheek. The second was a little pop kiss on the lips. On our next date, I just went ahead & kissed him.
I can soo see Juan saying that about being homosapiens!
Great post and good comments too. Caught you Amy! :)))
I'm with you on Baskin & Robbins. I love their mint chocolate chip. Unfortunately, we don't have B&R here. :(
Fun list! :)
Leah....awesome tag!!! that was totally fun!! and I LMBO at number 6!!!! that is too funny!!! still laughing!!! so have a fab night...off to catch up on the rest of your blog!!
ciao chica!!
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