Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Personal Assessment

At the end of 2010 I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in 2011. Since we are approaching the last 2 months of the year I thought I would pull that post up and see where I stand. Before I even look at it I feel like it's not gonna be good. That's the thing about writing down your goals. You kind of have to stare your failures in the face. :)

So here goes:

•Getting all of our paperwork organized.
This is done for the most part. I say for the most part because since I accomplished this, (probably 4 or 5 months ago) I have put all the incoming paper work in the same place. So that means I have about 5 months of paperwork to file. I need to be in a place where I file it in the right place as soon as it comes in the house!

•Getting all of my scrapbook pages in books. I now have 3 years worth of scrapped pages that need to go in albums. If I had to make a guess, that equals about 250-300(maybe more) pages.
Wow. Not done. So now I have all that I've scrapped for 2011 to add to the pile. I did just recently purchase some albums, but I'm still going to need to buy quite a few page protectors and quite a few more books. I need to buy a couple every time Hobby Lobby runs them 50% off.

•getting the clutter and stuff under control around here. This is probably the biggest one because it involves every room and closet in the entire house.
Major FAIL. This is probably the #1 thing that I wish I had a handle on. I am very seriously considering hiring someone to come in and help me with it. I hate that my house is so cluttered and full of junk. Got to get aggressive in getting rid of stuff. It's just stuff after all and 90% of it adds no value to our lives.

•get the garage cleaned out enough so that I can put up a few shelving units for stockpiling.
Not done either. (Are you sensing a pattern here..?) However this is not really a priority. I'd much rather get my home where I want it, in regards to the clutter than deal with this right now.

•Daily Bible reading.
I've done better with this than in years past, but still not reading daily and there just isn't any excuse for it. I make time to read facebook everyday. And that's quite a slap in the face, as it should be.

•start exercising and lose some weight.
Done, although I don't exercise on any kind of schedule or even routinely. But it did happen.

•get on a better daily schedule.
Not really much to say about this on other than it's still a work in progress.

So there it is. My unaccomplished goals of 2011. But you know what I did do? I nurtured, cared for, and taught 3 little one. And although that's just one sentence, it's a full time job with lots of overtime. And I'm certainly proud of that one. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe, that the most important one. Love you Dad